Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We're here!

I can't believe we've already been here for more than a week!

Our temporary apartment is very small, much smaller than last summer, but at least it's a place to stay.  Again the kitchen only has one burner (so stay tuned for an interesting Thanksgiving post), but we're making it work.  Tonight I made potato soup for dinner (which John claims to have never eaten before) complete with a cheesy bacon crouton.

And although things tend to be pricier, I've found kiwis to be a bargain.  And I do love their packaging.

Most of what we've been doing is looking for apartments (beside John's whole job thing), and it's not nearly as fun as International House Hunters makes it look.  Mainly it's exhausting, emotional, and agonizing.  We've seen a ton of places and we've applied for two.  We just found out this evening that one of them rejected us, but we're waiting to hear from the other place, and I'm going to see another place tomorrow.  I know it sounds really weird that a place rejected us, but here there's a whole negotiation process over the price, and because John's firm signs our lease for us they require the apartment to agree to certain terms, so that's where the hang up was.  But just to lighten to the mood here is a picture of the funniest things we've seen so far while searching.

In case we forgot what room it was?

Otherwise, we've been accomplishing things and seeing friends and mostly being happy to be here.  I discovered some amazing cookies that are actually German, I think.  If you ever come across some Chocolate Happy Hippos, I highly recommend them!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and I'll be sure to post soon about ours.  And keep us in your thoughts that hopefully we'll have some good apartment news to share soon.


  1. Kinder products are loved here. I agree they originate in Europe. I have heard a weird rumour that the Kinder-egg product, which both my girls love, is banned in the US. I hope that's not true.

    I'm both hoping you find an apartment soon, but also hoping for more funny apartment hunting stories. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I've heard that rumor too. I've also never seen a kinder egg, so maybe it's true? Hope you had a great Thanksgiving too - or at least a great week, if you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving.
